Today wasn't a Great Day

Today wasn't a Great Day

16 August, 2024


1 min read

Today was frustrating, I guess. I didn't do anything special. I watched episodes 5 and 6 of Scam 1992. I felt lonely because I don't have any close friends. I felt bad about my one-sided love. Also missed my father.

I also felt uncertain about Bangladesh's future. I read a quote on Facebook, but I can't remember it properly. It was something like:

"The difficulty of supporting people in the war between man and Satan is that after winning, man becomes Satan."

I can relate to that. The student groups that brought us freedom from dictatorship, many of them are now acting like dictators. Those who were not seen during the movement are now showing their power. It's like it's in human nature. Everyone prioritizes their own ideology and believes their ideology is the only truth. So, if they have power, they try to suppress other's opinions. I'm so afraid. I don't know if God exists or not. It would be best if God existed. I could sleep peacefully with all my worries on Him.